XGBoost Training (XGBoostJob)

Using XGBoostJob to train a model with XGBoost

This page describes XGBoostJob for training a machine learning model with XGBoost.

XGBoostJob is a Kubernetes custom resource to run XGBoost training jobs on Kubernetes. The Kubeflow implementation of XGBoostJob is in training-operator.

Note: XGBoostJob doesn’t work in a user namespace by default because of Istio automatic sidecar injection. In order to get it running, it needs annotation sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false" to disable it for either XGBoostJob pods or namespace. To view an example of how to add this annotation to your yaml file, see the TFJob documentation.

Installing XGBoost Operator

If you haven’t already done so please follow the Getting Started Guide to deploy Kubeflow.

By default, XGBoost Operator will be deployed as a controller in training operator.

If you want to install a standalone version of the training operator without Kubeflow, see the kubeflow/training-operator’s README.

Verify that XGBoost support is included in your Kubeflow deployment

Check that the XGboost custom resource is installed

kubectl get crd

The output should include xgboostjobs.kubeflow.org

NAME                                           AGE
xgboostjobs.kubeflow.org                       4d

Check that the Training operator is running via:

kubectl get pods -n kubeflow

The output should include training-operator-xxx like the following:

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
training-operator-d466b46bc-xbqvs   1/1     Running   0          4m37s

Creating a XGBoost training job

You can create a training job by defining a XGboostJob config file. See the manifests for the IRIS example. You may change the config file based on your requirements. E.g.: add CleanPodPolicy in Spec to None to retain pods after job termination.

cat xgboostjob.yaml

Deploy the XGBoostJob resource to start training:

kubectl create -f xgboostjob.yaml

You should now be able to see the created pods matching the specified number of replicas.

kubectl get pods -l job-name=xgboost-dist-iris-test-train

Training takes 5-10 minutes on a cpu cluster. Logs can be inspected to see its training progress.

PODNAME=$(kubectl get pods -l job-name=xgboost-dist-iris-test-train,replica-type=master,replica-index=0 -o name)
kubectl logs -f ${PODNAME}

Monitoring a XGBoostJob

kubectl get -o yaml xgboostjobs xgboost-dist-iris-test-train

See the status section to monitor the job status. Here is sample output when the job is successfully completed.

apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1
kind: XGBoostJob
  creationTimestamp: "2021-09-06T18:34:06Z"
  generation: 1
  name: xgboost-dist-iris-test-train
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "5844304"
  selfLink: /apis/kubeflow.org/v1/namespaces/default/xgboostjobs/xgboost-dist-iris-test-train
  uid: a1ea6675-3cb5-482b-95dd-68b2c99b8adc
    cleanPodPolicy: None
      replicas: 1
      restartPolicy: Never
            - args:
                - --job_type=Train
                - --xgboost_parameter=objective:multi:softprob,num_class:3
                - --n_estimators=10
                - --learning_rate=0.1
                - --model_path=/tmp/xgboost-model
                - --model_storage_type=local
              image: docker.io/merlintang/xgboost-dist-iris:1.1
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              name: xgboost
                - containerPort: 9991
                  name: xgboostjob-port
                  protocol: TCP
      replicas: 2
      restartPolicy: ExitCode
            - args:
                - --job_type=Train
                - --xgboost_parameter="objective:multi:softprob,num_class:3"
                - --n_estimators=10
                - --learning_rate=0.1
              image: docker.io/merlintang/xgboost-dist-iris:1.1
              imagePullPolicy: Always
              name: xgboost
                - containerPort: 9991
                  name: xgboostjob-port
                  protocol: TCP
  completionTime: "2021-09-06T18:34:23Z"
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-06T18:34:06Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-06T18:34:06Z"
      message: xgboostJob xgboost-dist-iris-test-train is created.
      reason: XGBoostJobCreated
      status: "True"
      type: Created
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-06T18:34:06Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-06T18:34:06Z"
      message: XGBoostJob xgboost-dist-iris-test-train is running.
      reason: XGBoostJobRunning
      status: "False"
      type: Running
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-09-06T18:34:23Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-09-06T18:34:23Z"
      message: XGBoostJob xgboost-dist-iris-test-train is successfully completed.
      reason: XGBoostJobSucceeded
      status: "True"
      type: Succeeded
      succeeded: 1
      succeeded: 2


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